Around 6.9 million – 1 in 5 properties – in the UK are at risk of subsidence with 20-25,000 subsidence claims made against insurers in an average year. Subsidence and heave can be caused by man-made factors (e.g. mining and infilled ground) as well as natural factors (e.g. landslides and sink holes). Different parts of the country will be more prone to these hazards than others.
This one hour session will provide conveyancers with an overview of mining & subsidence risk and its causes, as well as considering liability, insurance and how delegates can advise their clients of the risks along with the steps to take in order to manage them.
Programme content:
- What is ground instability – heave, subsidence or sink hole?
- Liabilities and the approach of lenders and insurers
- Case studies
- Risk assessment measures, and what to do if a risk is discovered
- Steps that can be taken to reduce those risks
- Understanding the information included in the Landmark Mining & Subsidence report and how it can support due diligence for your client